The Naturactis implant, strong apical stability

This dental implant works for the largest number of indications, particularly for post-extraction surgeries or for areas with low bone density. The Naturactis dental implant is available on our online shop.

etk®, your supplier of Naturactis dental implants

The Naturactis dental implant is meant to be used for partial or complete tooth loss, either in the maxilla or the mandible. It’s placed sub-crestally for more esthetic restoration with adapted management of the biological width and healing.

Indications for use

– Post-extraction surgeries
– Immediate functional loading
– Works particularly well for low bone density areas


Single and multi-unit connections with dental implant of the Bone Level range

In addition to its use with the Naturall+ dental implant, the Naturactis dental implant has the same connection. You can use the same prosthetic pieces for both the Naturall+ dental implant and the Naturactis implant. An optimal stock of prosthetic pieces.

The Naturactis dental implant has an internal hexagonal conical connection to guarantee:
– Airtight prosthetic seal
– Stable implant assembly and prosthetic piece
– Precise orientation of prosthetic elements

With a single connection for both the Naturall+ and Naturactis dental implants, it means:
– Rationalization of the inventory of prosthetic pieces
– Simplified exchange between the implantologist and its correspondents
– Simplified exchange between the dental practice and laboratory

A single implant connection for all diameters:
– Choose whichever gingival platform you want, without worrying about the implant’s diameter.
– A simplified treatment plan.

A thread designed to provide maximum primary stability to your dental implants

The etk brand has developed an implant architecture that gives its product range excellent primary stability.


Double asymmetrical thread for

– Even distribution of chewing forces​
– Excellent primary stability of the implant placement​
– Reduced heating of the bone and insertion time


Implant microthread seamlessly connects with the main thread

– Tearless insertion into the cortical bone
– Reinforced stability at the cortical bone
– Greater resistance to axial loads.
– Reduced shearing stress at the bone/implant interface.


Central protrusion between the threads for

– Tearless insertion into the cortical bone
– Reinforced stability at the cortical bone
– Greater resistance to axial loads.
– Reduced shearing stress at the bone/implant interface.


Deep-blade apex for optimal bone anchorage of the dental implant

The Naturactis dental implant is self tapping, due to the blade-shaped threads coming out of the end.
– Ideal for extraction-implantation scenarios.
– Makes it easier to get the right insertion axis.