Naturall+, the anatomic dental implant

Its cone shape optimizes implants placed near curved roots, lets you get as close as possible to the sinus cavities, and offers greater leeway for any adjacent implants. It also makes it easier to insert the implant, guided by the direct involvement of the top third of the implant. It’s also less aggressive due to the screwless insertion of the implant’s end; the cortical bone is left alone, free from the friction caused by inserting the upper part of the implant, thus allowing for better healing.

Indications for use

  • All segments
  • All bone densities (mandible or maxilla)
  • Sinus floor segment
  • Post-extraction surgeries
  • Immediate functional loading

Single and multi-unit connections with dental implant of the Bone Level range

Internal hexagonal conical connection

– Airtight prosthetic seal.​
– Stable implant assembly and prosthetic piece.​
– Precise orientation of prosthetic elements.​

Same connection as the Naturactis implant

– Rationalization of the prosthetic pieces for a simpler exchange between the dental practice and laboratory.​

A single implant connection for all diameters

– Choose whichever gingival platform you want, without worrying about the implant’s diameter.​

A single, common range of prosthetics and 4 prosthetic platforms

– Simplification of the treatment plan, surgery and prosthetic construction.


Juxtacrestal placement

Better visibility and access to the probe.​
Easier and longer-term control during the sealing process.​
Micro machining grooves in the neck with an Ra of 0.2μm: the collagen fibers are oriented to better attach to the mucous.

Conical implant

A slight inversed cone shape at the neck for implanting in narrow crests

– Reduced pressure on the cortical bone: the implant body acts as the osteotomes.​
– Makes it easier to place the implant, even during drilling​

A cylindro-conical implant

– Optimization of the implant near curved roots.​
– Optimal primary stability.​
– Limits apical compression.​

– Non-traumatic insertion in sensitive areas (sinus, dental nerves).

Thread designed for great primary stability


Implant microthread seamlessly connects with the main thread

– Tearless insertion into the cortical bone​
– Stabilized cortical bone.​
– Optimization of the primary anchorage.​
– Greater resistance to axial loads.​
– Reduced shearing stress at the bone/implant interface.​



Double asymmetrical thread

– Even distribution of chewing forces​
– Excellent primary stability of the implant placement​
– Reduced heating of the bone and insertion time



Central protrusion between the implant threads

– 15% more surface contact with bone tissue. ​
– Facilitates osteogenesis​
– Activates cellular reconstruction



Non-traumatic and engaging apex

​– Closer to the apex to improve the threads’ self tapping effect.​
The threads at the apex increases the implant’s self tapping effect and attaches to the apex better.​
Fully safe to use in the sinus floor.